Sunday 22 September 2013


Lyrics of Lauryn Hill doo wop ( that thing)

Throughout the lyrics, Lauryn has used rhymes or half rhymes on nearly every line, such as 'him' and 'trim' "friend" and "again".  On the 7th line, an idiom has been used ' talking outs your neck saying your a christian' which means talking nonsense, and probably sining.

Then the next line uses a metaphor ' A muslim sleeping with a jin, that was the sin that did jezebel in' refering to religion, where Jezebel was a seductive woman who did 'imoral' things, and used her attractiveness for evil, but eventually got her into trouble.
On the 12th line Lauryn uses a rhetorical ' Who you gon tell when the repercussions spin?' making the people she is communicating her message to think.

Another metaphor has been used 'dont be a rock when you really are a gem' meaning have respect for yourself. An Antonym has also been used in this line, 'rock' and 'gem' which are both opposites too eachother.  In the chorus there is use of a euphemism ' That thing' which is used instead of the word sex. 'That thing' has been in used in the chorus as asyndetic listing as it has been repeated many times, without the use of connectives.

Many Elisions have been used such as "gon'" instead of 'going to' and "bout'" instead of about, as Lauryn sings these lyrics, in a colloquial way, also addressing the people she wants to communicate her message to, in an informal register.

1 comment:

  1. Good. Look at why it is repeated. Partly because it is a convention of choruses but also, no doubt, to emphasise how central sex is to the media and to question the part it plays. 'Bout' is clipping, not ellision (which is 'gotta', 'gunna', 'innit' etc).
