Monday 7 October 2013

I hate public transport!

Buses, I hate everything about them.

Sami Dachraoui

 The Guardian, Monday 7 October 2013 12:48 BST





Buses. I hate them. With a passion. Just this morning, my hate towards them was re-in forced, again.  Now your probably wondering why? Why such a strong hate for an innocent vehicle that drives too and forth from the centre? Well let me tell you. Firstly... THE PRICE! 4 pounds for a service that is always late, where the seats are dusty, and half the time, cannot even get a seat! Seriously? Its some kind of sick joke I tell you.

Why are bus drivers so grumpy? They chose the job.  They need to lighten up, they don't have to deal with paying for this monstrosity every morning do they.  Would you like to sit on a seat, that has been rubbed against a dogs bottom?  If you are catching the bus, then that is exactly what you are doing.  Constantly I see people bringing their dogs onto the bus, letting them sit on the seat.  That's NASTY, I do not what to be sitting on dog poop.  Thank you.  While on the subject, do dogs pay for these seats? No.  So why am I standing up to let your dog sit down.  Injustice I tell you.

So you know, you're tired and not long woken up, and there are no seats downstairs. So you have to walk up the stairs, and the driver knows full well I haven't got super levitating powers to get up the stairs within 2 seconds. So why does he start driving as soon as Ive shown him my ticket?!  Does he want to kill me, the amount of times I've nearly fallen down the bus stairs.  In fact I once fell down three steps. It was so embarrassing.

Do you think that is worth 4 pounds everyday? 

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