Wednesday 10 September 2014

The nature vs nurture argument

Chomsky: L.A.D language acquisition device- suggests we have a critical acquisition period (skimmer) in which we need to be stimulated before a certain growing stage. Otherwise the child will be unable to grasp language properly. This is the part of the nature argument as it suggests the ability is innate.

KE family had a speech and language problem which was genetic. Researchers have found a key gene ' Fox-p-21' which was missing. This supports Chomsky with his view we are born with language acquisition.

Debroy Home speech project
set up cameras around the house and watched/listened to the stages of his childs language acquisition
Used determiners instead of nouns
phonological awareness outstrips their semantic awareness

Wednesday 3 September 2014

An article which talks about adjectives used to only describe females but not males. For example feisty, where as a male would not be called this. It also covers words like 'feisty', being reserved for black females, or women of colour. This can be damaging as it reinforces stereotypes.